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POLS 2010: Human Security and World Disorder
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Module 1: Living in an insecure world

Required Resources
  • 1. Glover, D. (2001). Humanity: A moral history of the 20th century (pp. 1-7). New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • 2. Library link: Brill, S. (2016, Sept). Are we any safer?. The Atlantic Monthly. 318(2), 60-68,70,72-78,80-82,84-87.

Module 2: Moral insecurity and contemporary conflict: Historical and philosophical perspectives

Required Resources
  • 1. Glover, D. (2001). Humanity: A moral history of the 20th century (pp. 11-17). New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • 2. Nietzsche, F. (1998). Twilight of the idols (Large, D. Trans.) (pp 26-32). OUP Oxford. (Original work published 1889).
  • 3. Taylor, C. (2007). A secular age (pp. 1-22). Harvard University Press.

Additional Resources (not required)

Module 3: Moral beyond cultural resources: biology, psychology and the critical power of thought

Required Resources
  • 1. Glover, D. (2001). Humanity: A moral history of the 20th century (pp. 18-25). New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • 2. De Waal, F. B. M. (2014). Natural normativity: The ‘is’ and ‘ought’ of animal behavior. In F.B.M. de Waal (Ed.), Evolved morality: The Biology and philosophy of human conscience (pp 49-69). Brill.
  • 3. Arendt, H. (2003). Responsibility and judgment (pp. 17-48). Schocken.
    • PDF file available in course.

Additional Resources (not required)
  • Thucydides, P War, 378-386. Thucydides, (2013). Thucydides: The war of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians (Mynott, J. Trans.) (pp. 378-386). Cambridge University Press. (Original work published ca. 431 BCE).
  • Pinker, S (2018). Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers [Video]. TED Conferences.

Module 4: The security of nations: perspectives on the International political environment

Required Resources
Additional Resources (not required)

Module 5: Colonialism, Imperialism and the Contemporary Political World

Required Resources
  • 1. Loomba, A. (1998). Colonialism-postcolonialism (pp. 1-20). Taylor & Francis Routledge.
  • *Please note: the third edition of this book has been requested as an e-book. It wasn’t in the collection at the time I made this page.

  • 2. Other required and additional resources will be made available on a separate reading list in the course website. These resources will all be accessible through either the Humber library or other websites.

Module 6: The Human Security Approach

Required Resources Additional Resources (not required)
  • United Nations Trust Fund for Human security (2016, January). UN Human Security Handbook.
  • Note: a list of documentary films that are available through the Humber library will be provided for you by your instructor that you can use for the Module 6 discussion assignment.

Module 7: Human Security and Economic Security

Required Resources Additional Resources (not required)

Module 8: Economic Insecurity and Social Instability

Additional Resources (not required)
  • Krugman, P. (2018).  Introduction. In Keynes, John Maynard. The general theory of employment, interest, and money (pp. xxv-xxxix). Springer International Publishing AG. ProQuest Ebook Central.
  • Smith, A., & Wight, J. B. (2007). An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (pp. 291-303). Harriman House.

Module 9: The Insecurity of Democracy? Contemporary Perspectives on Democracy and Economic Crises

Required Resources Additional Resources (not required)

Module 10: Unprecedented Threats of a Digital World

For this Module, instructors will select topics and resources from the list below. Not all topics or readings will be assigned.

Cyber warfare

Hacking and Election interference

Digital Divides

Digital Activism and Polarization Surveillance Capitalism

  • Zuboff, S. (2019). The age of surveillance capitalism: the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power (pp 197-231). Hachette Group.
    • PDF file available in course.

"Big Brother” Goes Online: Government Surveillance

Module 11: Security and the Environment: Living in a Time of Climate Emergency

Required Resources Human security and climate change

Climate migration and the varied global impacts of climate change

Adaptation and resilience: responding to the reality of climate change

Module 12: A Crisis in Real Time: The COVID 19 Pandemic

Course instructors will assign materials from the list below. The instructors will tell you which resources are assigned and how to access the appropriate materials.

1. Ethical perspectives on vaccine distribution

2. COVID-19 in Canada, Ontario, and the Toronto area
3. An international focus on the global COVID-19 pandemic