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An Examination Of Missing Persons In Ontario

Godwin, Lorna
For every missing person in Ontario, there are many more loved ones waiting for them to come home. The purpose of this paper is to understand the communication between the loved ones and law enforcement to determine the most effective way to find missing persons. The thesis also evaluates the use of social media within law enforcement when searching for the missing, as well as communication tactics with the public. The primary research encompassed interviews with professionals who have worked or are working for the police in Ontario, surveys of Ontario residents, and a content analysis on Missing Persons Act, 2018 (Ontario). The results from this study elaborate on the tactics used while investigating missing-persons cases and the impact of enlisting the help of the public through social media on finding people in Ontario.
Faculty: Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
Program: Public Relations (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Dr. Boyko, Lydia
Type of Work: Thesis