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Human-Centric Environment for Saturation Divers

Naccarato, Olivia
Saturation diving is a demanding profession that requires endurance, mental strength and motivation to withstand its challenges. Saturation divers are required to reside in a pressurized environment for up to 28 days to reduce the risk of decompression sickness while working underwater. The claustrophobic and isolated environment means that divers are vulnerable to various physical and psychological stresses. This industry reveals limited innovational progress towards improving the health of the primary user. Methods of qualitative and quantitative research, as well as the ergonomic evaluation of full-scale models, were used to understand the direct challenges that divers are experiencing in saturation diving today. The data collected provided a platform to develop an interior to exterior system that enhances quality of life, improves comfort and flow of their environment, offering a safer work experience for every diver. The concept was developed to explore an unfocused area of saturation diving by means to inspire innovative and improved solutions.
Faculty: Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Kappen, Dennis
Type of Work: Thesis