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Streamline and Enhance the Acquisition of a G Driver's Licence in Ontario

Namba, Helena
The purpose of this project was to streamline and enhance the acquisition of a G driver’s licence in Ontario by addressing applicants’ challenges. To understand applicants’ experiences, we used a research methodology that included a literature review, interviews, a survey, site visits, and usability testing. Research findings revealed that applicants who are new to driving, experience fear of driving and need guidance on the next steps of their journey. As for immigrant applicants, there is a lack of language accommodation throughout the process, and they often have limited access to a car and a driving supervisor. These factors are barriers to a trouble-free acquisition journey. By enhancing existing services and creating an innovative application, we addressed applicants’ challenges and ensured a smoother licence acquisition journey. Our solutions include a mobile app to help new drivers get road test-ready, pamphlets and posters to keep applicants informed, and enhancements to existing services used by applicants such as the DriveTest and ServiceOntario websites.
Faculty: Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
Program: User Experience (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Shek, Yvonne
Georg, William
Type of Work: Capstone project