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Yang, Han
Healthcare providers play an essential role in Canadian society. The duties of a Personal Support Worker (PSW) are to help take care of those who are ill, elderly, or need extra support for daily tasks (OPSW, n.d.). Therefore, it is vital to keep healthcare providers safe and reduce their chance of getting injured in their workplace. According to the 2014 Canadian Community Health Survey, over 5 million adults are obese; according to the 2015 Canadian Health Measure Survey, 30% of Canadians are obese and may require medical support to manage their Obesity (Obesity Canada, 2021). More importantly, people who experience immobilization from obesity with ageing require extra daily support from healthcare providers, such as rolling over, standing, and transferring between beds and chairs. This work environment increases the possibility of PSW developing physical injuries. This thesis proposes an in-depth study of healthcare providers' challenges when caring for obese individuals at home, empathizing with people with obesity to discover the solution to enhancing their independence. Qualitative and quantitative research will collect data on these challenges and opportunities with interviews, surveys, and user observation. This information will advise a one-to-one human-centred design solution that better assists healthcare providers in caring for people with obesity at home.
Faculty: Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Chong, Catherine
Zaccolo, Sandro
Type of Work: Thesis