Resources by Topic


Key Databases

Canada Commons  Canadian Resource Image 
  • Contains publications from public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, and university research centres.
Canadian Reference Centre  Canadian Resource Image 
  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, newspapers, reference books, and biographies on Canadian and international topics.
CBCA Complete  Canadian Resource Image 
  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, books, reference works, conference proceedings, dissertations, blogs, and podcasts on business, current events, and education in Canada.
Education Research Complete
  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, magazines, and trade journals on a wide range of topics dealing with education.
Educator's Reference Complete
  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, magazines, and eBooks on a wide variety of topics relating to education.
  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, and other education-related materials.
Sage Premier
  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles on social sciences and humanities, health sciences, life and biomedical sciences, and material sciences and engineering.

Choose from the list to find library resources specific to that type.