Humber Archives

Welcome to the Humber Archives. We encourage you to explore Humber's 55+ year history through our digital collections.

The Humber Archives was established to serve as the memory of the institution, and to support its goals by identifying, preserving, and making available its documentary heritage.

Contact us at with your questions.

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Explore our collections

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Discover all of our archival collections through AtoM, a searchable database which you access online.

This video explains how to search in AtoM.

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Research with archival material

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If you don’t know where to begin, here are some highlights:

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Browse the thousands of online digitized photographs. The photos are of Humber students, faculty, staff, administrators and guests from the 1960s to 2010s.

Lab Technician student using a microscope
Faculty member with students in a computer lab
Student adjusting a laboratory generator and using a volt-meter while working on a piece of radio equipment

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Explore the 1,400 issues of the student newspaper created by the Faculty of Journalism students:

Check out other newspapers created by the Student Union:

Three Ad Hoc student newspaper covers

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Course calendars

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Course calendars are available from 1967 to the present. The calendars include program and course descriptions produced by Humber for prospective and returning students.

Three course calendar covers
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Annual reports


Over the years, Humber has produced many reports for the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, here’s where you can explore them going back to 1970. They provide a useful view into Humber’s priorities at the time.

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Visit the Archives

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The Humber Archives preserves the history and heritage of the institution by collecting and making available our historical materials.

Many of our materials are online, but you can come in person and browse thousands of photographs, reports, newspapers and other rare historical materials. We also have rotating exhibits in the space.

The Archives is physically located on the 4th floor of the LRC in the Library (LRC 4068) at the North Campus and is open to the public.

Check the Library’s home page for updated hours or email the Archives at for an appointment.

Students leafing through archival items scattered on a desk, including black-and-white photographs and a yellowed publication.
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Donate material

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The Humber Archives welcome donations/transfers of material relating to the history of Humber, its faculty/staff/students, or material relating to the research/teaching interests of the institution.

The Archives will also provide guidance to retiring staff/faculty on historical materials and suggest what may be transferred to the Archives.

To discuss potential donations to the Archives, please don’t hesitate to email us at

Archives boxes on two low shelves
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View exhibits

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Explore exhibits (physical and digital) featuring material from the Humber Archives’ collections.

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Black student excellence

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Enjoy exploring some curated articles highlighting Black Student Excellence at Humber over the years.

Check out the Black Student Excellence at Humber exhibit.

Newspaper article clip with "Grad plans to open a studio" title

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Influential black women

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Enjoy exploring some curated articles and photographs highlighting Black Women of Excellence at Humber over the years.

Check out the Highlighting Influential Black Women at Humber exhibit.

Black woman talking and gesturing at an event

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Student life at Humber

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In this digital exhibit, explore what life was like for a student at Humber in the past through archival photographs and news articles.

Check out the Student Life at Humber exhibit.

A group of young women share a laugh as they sit on and stand around a park bench

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Humber history timeline

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Photographs from the Humber Archives featuring key moments in Humber’s history from 1967 to 2015.

Check out the Humber History Timeline exhibit.

The ten members of Humber's first Board of Governors standing outside a building.
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