Welcome! Consider the Library your teaching partner, your collaborator and an important link in the learning process. Our team is here to offer guidance, support your teaching and connect you and your students to a wide range of valuable services.
Contact your librarian
Get started by finding your librarian in the Library directory.
Feel free to ask them about any of the following services:
- Student research and digital fluency skills development
- Resource suggestions for your classroom and your own research
- Program or course assessments
- Research help and consultation services (online and in person)
- Resource guides for your programs and courses
- Online tutorials and handouts on various research topics and skills
- Student outreach and orientation
Help students succeed
Ensure your students know how to use the Library and its full range of services.
Invite a librarian
The numbers are in: class visits from librarians make a difference. We asked students and, after a librarian's presentation, over 90 per cent of students at Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber said they were more aware of library resources and learned something new to help them succeed in their classes.
Take advantage of our in-class workshops (both online and in person) and asynchronous resources to boost your students’ research and digital fluency skills.
- Browse workshop sessions by skill, learner level and delivery mode.
- Share our introductory Library Research Tutorial with your students.
Contact your librarian with any questions about scheduling a visit.
Select course resources
For Humber courses
At Humber, there are two ways to give your students easy access to course resources.
- Use the Leganto tool to integrate resources directly into Blackboard courses. This can include links to online articles and book chapters, streaming media, newspaper articles, digitized content, websites and more.
- Use our reserve service to place a four-hour loan restriction on physical items such as books, DVDs and CDs.
For University of Guelph-Humber courses
Visit the Guelph-Humber Course Reserves page to place Library items in reserve.
Promote academic integrity
Introduce your students to the values and best practices of academic integrity with interactive learning modules. Be sure to link or embed the modules on your course site for easy access.
- For Humber students, use the instructor's guide to share the Academic Integrity and Citation Awareness Module.
- For University of Guelph-Humber students, share the Academic Integrity Module.
Want resources on specific citation styles for your students?
- Our bite-size APA in Minutes video series is great for quick tips on referencing and in-text citation.
- Our APA tip sheet covers the most common points of APA style.
- University of Guelph-Humber has complete guides on APA, MLA, AJP and Chicago style.
Explore GenAI
Our resource guides offer a comprehensive starting point for information on GenAI, including resources, definitions, citation guidance, and copyright.
- For Humber students, share the Generative AI Resource Guide.
- For University of Guelph-Humber students, share the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Guide.
Promote AI use
Introduce your students to the ethical and responsible use of algorithms and AI tools with our self-paced module. This interactive module, designed for Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber, combines video, text, audio, and interactive activities to explore AI’s development, influences, and inner workings. Be sure to link or embed the module on your course site for easy access.
- For Humber students, use the instructor’s guide to share the AI, Algorithms & You Module.
- For University of Guelph-Humber students, share the AI, Algorithms & You self-enrolment guide.
Share resource guides
Created by librarians, our resource guides are helpful collections of related resources, tailored to specific courses, programs and subjects.
Share them with your students on Blackboard or Courselink so they can dive into research at their own pace.
Link to tutorials
Our comprehensive suite of tutorials allows students to get help 24/7. Subjects include note-taking, searching databases and more.
All tutorials are AODA compliant and easy to share via Blackboard and Courselink.
Contribute to the Repository
Help us expand the Library Repository. We are open for submissions of scholarly work from Humber students.
Currently the collection features work from the following programs: Accounting, Game Programming, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Public Relations and User Experience.
For information on how your students can contribute, contact your librarian.
Access faculty supports
Explore professional development opportunities and teaching resources at the Library.
Take a workshop
Take advantage of all the Library has to offer! We run hands-on faculty workshops on a variety of topics, from designing new courses to exploring alternative assignment formats to finding open-access resources.
Browse our faculty workshop offerings (pdf file) and contact us at library@humber.ca to book a session.
Get to know copyright
Humber and University of Guelph-Humber faculty, staff and students all have a responsibility to comply with Canadian copyright law and to copy and distribute materials in accordance with institutional policies.
The Library team is here to help you navigate copyright issues in your teaching, learning and research activities.
- For Humber, visit our Copyright pages for an overview of Fair Dealing and copyright basics. If you have questions, get in touch at copyright@humber.ca.
- The University of Guelph-Humber follows University of Guelph copyright policies. If you have questions, contact fairdealing@uoguelph.ca.
Borrow from another library
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service allows current Humber and University of Guelph-Humber students, faculty and staff to borrow items from other libraries.
Most Library items are available to request, including books, journal and newspaper articles, items in microfiche/microfilm format and government publications.
Visit our Interlibrary Loan page to place a request.
Innovate at the Idea Lab
Discover how to engage your students with creative digital assignments, including infographics, podcasts, videos and more. The Idea Lab team offers customized support for Humber and University of Guelph-Humber faculty and a variety of workshops and webinars.
To get started, visit the Idea Lab or contact idealab@humber.ca.

Explore the toolkit
College Libraries Ontario (CLO)’s Learning Portal is a helpful resource hub shared across all Ontario colleges.
Check out their faculty toolkit for suggested course readings, quizzes, assignments, AODA resources and more.