Database List

NEW Can-Core Academic Video

  • Contains mostly documentaries and Canadian streaming videos.

Canada Commons

  • Contains publications from public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, and university research centres.

Canada in Context

  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, magazines, biographies, primary sources, and reference material on a broad range of Canadian topics, people, places, and events.

Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide)

  • The authoritative guide to Canadian legal citation rules for citing case law, legislation, periodicals, books, and government documents.

Canadian Newsstream

  • Contains articles from national and local Canadian newspapers. Includes The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the National Post, and the Vancouver Sun, among others.

Canadian Oxford Dictionary

  • Dictionary of Canadian English.

Canadian Points of View Reference Source

  • Contains opposing viewpoints on current Canadian issues.

Canadian Reference Centre

  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, newspapers, reference books, and biographies on Canadian and international topics.


  • Contains advertising rates, data, and media planning information.
  • You cannot create reports or media lists with our subscription.

Career Cruising

  • Contains occupational profiles with job descriptions, working conditions, education, and training, including earnings, and interviews.

CBC Curio

  • Contains educational streaming videos from CBC and Radio-Canada.

CBCA Complete

  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, books, reference works, conference proceedings, dissertations, blogs, and podcasts on business, current events, and education in Canada.

CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection

  • Contains the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada's standards and guidance collection.


  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, biographies, magazines, newspapers, and company profiles on Canadian history, health, technology, arts, literature, culture, and business.

CPS Full Access

  • Contains CPS (Canadian Pharmacists Association) information on drugs, vaccines, natural health products, medical devices, and evidence-based therapeutic information.
  • Download the CPS app for mobile access.

CSA OnDemand

  • Contains the complete standards collection from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) including the Canadian Electrical Code Part I and the Canadian Electrical Code Handbook.
  • Access the CSA OnDemand tutorial to learn more on how to use this database.
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