Database List


  • Contains reports on Canadian industries. The industry reports include industry performance, outlook, product, markets, competitive landscape, major companies, and operating conditions.

IEEE Xplore

  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, magazine articles, IEEE guides, and standards and conference proceedings across all areas of engineering and technology. Make sure to choose Subscribed Content under Show on the results page.
  • Access the Orientation and Find Standards tutorials to learn more on how to use this database.


  • Contains listings for Canadian businesses with information on business size, ownership, sales, executives, financial data, and location. It also includes US jobs and internships.

Informit Indigenous Collection

  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, eBooks, newspapers, and magazines related to Indigenous culture, health, and human geography in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, North America and The Pacific. 

Insurance and Liability

  • Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, magazine articles, eBooks, and videos on the topics of insurance and liability.

Irwin Law Collection

  • Access 150+ authoritative Irwin Law titles.
  • To view the full list of titles from the vlex/Justis homepage:
    1. click Browse > Books & Journals > Irwin Law > Irwin Law Books.
    2. Do not click the "View all" link that may temporarily appear. The list will eventually populate in place. It may take up to 15 seconds to appear.
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