Database List
The content in these databases can only be accessed through the links below.
- Contains print, digital, TV, magazine, and radio advertising campaigns (many of them award-winning) and advertising agency profiles.
ASTM Standards
- Contains the Annual Book of ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) Standards for materials and products.
BBC Shakespeare Plays
- Contains streaming video of BBC Shakespeare plays.
Bloomsbury Fashion Central
- Contains reference material, eBooks, and images from the Berg Fashion Library and includes Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases.
Britannica Online
- Contains reference material, biographies, and primary sources from the Encyclopedia Britannica, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus and other sources.
Canada Commons
- Contains publications from public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, and university research centres.
- Contains advertising rates, data, and media planning information.
- You cannot create reports or media lists with our subscription.
Career Cruising
- Contains occupational profiles with job descriptions, working conditions, education, and training, including earnings, and interviews.
Country Watch
- Contains country-specific overviews on the political, economic, social, and foreign investment environment.
CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection
- Contains the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada's standards and guidance collection.
CPS Full Access
- Contains CPS (Canadian Pharmacists Association) information on drugs, vaccines, natural health products, medical devices, and evidence-based therapeutic information.
- Download the CPS app for mobile access.
Criterion On-Demand
- Contains streaming feature films and documentaries.
- Troubleshooting: update your browser or try another browser like Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari to play the video.
CSA OnDemand
- Contains the complete standards collection from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) including the Canadian Electrical Code Part I and the Canadian Electrical Code Handbook.
- Access the CSA OnDemand tutorial to learn more on how to use this database.
Film Scripts Online
- Contains film scripts and the authorized versions of copyrighted screenplays.
Frontier Life
- Contains primary sources (documents and images), as well as secondary sources on the period from 1650-1920 including material from the Hudson Bay Archives and the Glenbow Archives.
GDC Vault
50 user limit
- Contains presentations from design and technical talks presented at the Game Developers Conference and the Virtual Reality Developers Conference over the last 20 years.
- Topics include game design, programming, audio, visual arts, business management, production, online games and more.
- Instructions: Go to the LOGIN menu at the top and select the Humber College Login button. Make sure to select the LOGOUT menu when finished.
GlobalData Explorer
Formerly Marketline
- Contains Canadian and international company reports, industry reports, country reports, and influencer reports.
- Access the GlobalData Explorer tutorial to learn more on how to use this database.
Google Scholar
- Access the Google Scholar tutorial to learn how to link your Google Account to Library eResources.
Grant Connect
- Contains information on Canadian grant-making foundations.
- Contains reports on Canadian industries. The industry reports include industry performance, outlook, product, markets, competitive landscape, major companies, and operating conditions.
- Contains listings for Canadian businesses with information on business size, ownership, sales, executives, financial data, and location. It also includes US jobs and internships.
- Journal of Medical Insight contains videos content showing surgical procedures in disciplines such as general surgery, orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, pediatric surgery, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Each video is accompanied by procedure outlines and a transcript.
- No account is needed to view the videos.
Kanopy Videos
- Contains documentaries, theatrical releases, and training films as well as the Criterion Collection.
- View the troubleshooting instructions.
LinkedIn Learning (
College subscription
- Contains video-based courses taught by industry experts on a wide range of subject areas.
- Subscription is managed by Humber not the Library. Contact 8888 for help.
Maamwi Treaties of Ontario Database
- Maamwi (meaning “all together” in Anishinaabemowin) Treaties of Ontario Database contains information on the treaties and treaty lands that the Ontario colleges reside on.
Material ConneXion
Samples located in NX114b
- The 100 physical samples are located in NX114b not in the Humber Library.
- Material ConneXion is a physical and virtual materials library.
- It is a resource for all disciplines of design development including: Architecture, Interior Design, Packaging Design, Retail Design, Industrial Design, Fashion, Apparel & Footwear, Exhibition Design, Textile Design, Landscape Architecture, and Transportation Design.
- Sustainable materials in this library include: polymers, ceramics, glass, metals, cement-based materials, natural materials, carbon-based materials, and processes.
- This collection was purchased by the Design Cluster of the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology, however, all Humber students and faculty can use this resource.
Media Names & Numbers
- Contains listings of Canadian print and broadcast media with essential contact details including names of editors and producers and their contact information.
Media Technology Monitor (MTM) Reports
- Contains reports and data analysis from a survey of 12,000 Canadians’ media habits, technology ownership and use conducted by CBC-Radio Canada since 2004.
- Contains Media Intelligence Essentials and the Media Relations Platform. Monitor the news and access Canadian media contacts and sources.
MLA International Bibliography
- Contains peer-reviewed and other academic articles, eBooks, and dissertation abstracts on modern languages and literature.
Music Online: Listening Package
- Contains recordings of jazz, classical, contemporary world, and popular music.
Natural Medicines
- Contains evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.
- Create a TRC account to view training and quizzes.
Nexis Uni
- Contains international and domestic newspapers, magazines, and trade journals, company financial information, industry and market news, legal resources, medical news, abstracts, and country profiles.
Oxford English Dictionary
- Dictionary of English past and present, from across the English-speaking world.
Oxford Music Online
3 user limit
- Contains Grove Music Online, as well as the Oxford Companion to Music and the Encyclopedia of Popular Music.
- Contains Canadian and international company and industry reports on consumer goods and services.
- Note for Mac users: there are known issues if you access the portal with Firefox. Please use a different browser.
- Contains citations and links to some full-text peer-reviewed and other academic journals from MEDLINE and other sources on medical, life sciences, and biomedical topics.
Safetycare Videos
- Contains training videos on a wide range of workplace safety issues.
- Contains abstracts, citations, and some full-text peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, books, and conference papers on the social, physical, medical, and life sciences.
10 user limit
- Maps demographic, psychographic (Environics Prizm) and company information over geographic areas. Define a target market, pick a business location and/or learn about nearby competitors.
- Sign in as a guest, a personal account is not needed.
- Contains statistics, charts, tables, and public opinion polls on marketing, demographics, consumers, communication, technology, politics, health, and leisure.
- Contains hotel reviews and descriptions, destination guides, cruise ship reviews, and itinerary building.
- After logging-in with your library credentials, you will also need to create a profile with a User ID.
- Contains detailed information on periodicals of all types: peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed academic journals, popular magazines, newspapers, and newsletters.
Visible Body
- Contains inside views of the human body including anatomy, muscles, kinesiology, physiology, pathology and biology.
- If you want to use the mobile app then you will need to create a Visible Body account.
- Use your Humber or University of Guelph-Humber email or a personal email to create the account.
- Every 150 days you need to verify that you are a current student to continue using the mobile app.
Formerly Vividata
- Contains Canadian consumer spending, media habits, and psychographics based on the Survey of the Canadian Consumer.
- Contains material from the World Advertising Research Centre (WARC) including case studies of award-winning advertising campaigns, strategy, and best practices guides, advertising trends, surveys, and reports.
WGSN Fashion & Beauty
- Contains collection reviews, trend reports, image library, market research, and buying guides for the fashion industry.
- Contains forecasts, reports, and images on the Canadian and international beauty industry.
- Create an account to access the design tools and download reports.
Wire Report
- Contains The Wire Report from The Hill Times which covers Canada's telecom and media sectors.
Women's Wear Daily (WWD)
10 user limit
- Contains current and older issues of Women’s Wear Daily.