Database List

Canadian Newsstream

  • Contains articles from national and local Canadian newspapers. Includes The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the National Post, and the Vancouver Sun, among others.

News (Gale OneFile)

  • Includes Canadian, US and international newspapers, and radio and tv broadcasts and transcripts.
  • Also includes local Ontario newspapers like the Etobicoke Guardian. 

Nexis Uni

  • Contains international and domestic newspapers, magazines, and trade journals, company financial information, industry and market news, legal resources, medical news, abstracts, and country profiles.


  • Contains current and recent newspapers from 70 countries in 37 languages in the original full-page and full-colour print format.
  • Download the PressReader app and follow the account set-up instructions to read on the go.

The Globe and Mail (on campus only)

  • Full page images of current and recent issues of The Globe and Mail, only available on campus.

U.S. Newsstream

  • Contains national and local U.S. newspapers. Features The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.

Wire Report

  • Contains The Wire Report from The Hill Times which covers Canada's telecom and media sectors.
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